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Estimating and Costing - 2

In this notification, we'll discuss about Checklist of items of load bearing & framed structure, Measurement Sheet, Abstract Sheet, Face Sheet, Mode of measurement and desired accuracy for different items of work, Rules for deduction in different category of work as per IS:1200

Checklist of Items for Load Bearing Structure and Framed Structure

  • An estimator follows the various steps for preparing Detailed Estimate of a project :
    (a)Knowing the various Items.
    (b) Study of drawings.
    (c) Study of specifications.
    (d)Rates of various Items.
  • In details estimate, All the Items are described in measurement sheet using specifications and their quantities is calculated according to the dimensions given in drawing.
  • There're following Items which should be checked out during the preparation of estimate of a building project.
  • (a) Site Clearance
    (b) Excavation work in foundation
    (c) P.C.C. Bed
    (d) U.C.R. Masonry
    (e) R.C.C. Masonry
    (f) Plinth Beam
    (g) Plinth filling
    (h) DPC Masonry
    (i) Brick Masonry
    (j) Column
    (k) Slab Beam
    (l) Roof Slab
    (m) Stair-Case
    (n) Flooring
    (o) Plaster- Internal & External
    (p) Painting/Coloring

  • Some of the above Items is workout in Framed Structure only.

Standard Format of Measurement Sheet

  • Measurement Sheet is also knowns as Measurement Form and It's used for purpose of working out the quantities of Item of work.
  • This sheet contains detailed entry of length, breadth, height, number of Items and their Quantities with description in serial number Included Remarks.

Measurement Sheet

Name of Project


Standard Format of Abstract Sheet

  • Abstract Sheet is also known as Costing Sheet and It's used to determine the cost of each Items of Project.
  • Quantities of Items is transferred from Measurement Sheet to the Abstract Sheet and the rate of Item is taken from DSR[District Schedule Rate].
  • Multiplying the rate of Items with their quantities gives the cost of that Item. By addition of cost of each Item, we determine the Cost of project easily.
Krish-Abstract Sheet

Standard Format of FaceSheet

  • Facesheet is used to mention the details of the Project and It's attached at cover page of Detailed Estimate

This estimate is framed in office of executive engineer, P.W.D. The probable expenses that will occurs in Name of work ..... Administrative Approval No. ... Date ../../.... Technical Sanction No. ... and Check by ....


Rules for deduction in Brickwork

  • No deduction is made for the opening of area upto 0.1m².
  • No deduction is made for ends of beams, posts, purlins, etc. upto 0.05m² of the section.
  • No deduction is made for bed plate, wall plate, bearing of chajjas, etc. upto 100mm.
  • Bearing of roof slabs, floors and concrete blocks for holdfast are not deducted from Brickwork.

Rules for deduction in Plastering and Pointing

  • No deduction in plastering requires for the opening having the area less than 0.5m². No additionals are made for jambs, suffit and sills.
  • For the opening of area more than 0.5m² but not exceeding 3m², 50% of the area of opening is deducted for one face only. No additionals are made for jambs, soffits and sills.
  • For the opening of area more than 3m², Full opening area should be deducted on both faces and additionally jambs, soffits and sills are made.

Rules for deduction in painting of Doors

  • Painting work of door shall be measured in metre flatly. It should Include frames, edges, etc.
  • Same types of doors and Windows shall be grouped under one Item and the area of uneven surface shall be converted into equivalent area as :
  • Equivalent area= Multiplying Factor×area measured flatly.

Modes of Measurement as Per IS:1200


Desired Accuracy in Measurements as per IS:1200

To achieve the desired accuracy in measurements, following points shall be kept in mind :
  • Linear dimensions i.e. length, width, height, etc should be measured nearest to 0.01m.
  • Area shall be worked out nearest to 0.01m².
  • Volume should be measured nearest to 0.01m³.
  • Weights should be workedout nearest to 1kg.
  • Woodwork shall me measured nearest to 0.001m³ or 0.005m³[In some books].

In the previous notification, we've discussed about Estimating and Costing - Meaning, Purpose, Administrative Approval, Technical sanction and Budget Provision, Types & Uses of Estimating, Roles & Responsibility of Estimator

In the next notification, we'll discuss about Approximate Estimate- Defination & Purpose, Methods of Approximate Estimate- Plinth Area Rate Method, Cubical Content Method, Service Unit Method, Typical Bay Method, Approximate Quantities Method (with simple numerical), Approximate Estimate for Roads and water supply projects.